The basic building blocks of the universe are protons, neutrons and electrons, in various combinations they create all physical matter as we know it.
Over many years I meditated on the subject of getting to the heart of matter. I felt when the source of creation was accessed within the nucleus of atoms great possibility would be available to us. As this opened more and more for me I got the sense that God/Goddess placed a minute part of his/her heart and its source within each proton, neutron and electron of every atom in the entire cosmos.
With millions of atoms fitting on the top of a ballpoint pen, look at the potential that's everywhere around us. Even the invisible air we breath contains over a million of atoms of oxygen in every breath.
If all matter including our human body is the Heart of God and its source, who is the I that lives in this body. The I that will continue to exist when the body has died and decayed back to earth dust. It's wort contemplating on.
We'll explore these questions further in future blog posts.
By Tom Grace
Over many years I meditated on the subject of getting to the heart of matter. I felt when the source of creation was accessed within the nucleus of atoms great possibility would be available to us. As this opened more and more for me I got the sense that God/Goddess placed a minute part of his/her heart and its source within each proton, neutron and electron of every atom in the entire cosmos.
With millions of atoms fitting on the top of a ballpoint pen, look at the potential that's everywhere around us. Even the invisible air we breath contains over a million of atoms of oxygen in every breath.
If all matter including our human body is the Heart of God and its source, who is the I that lives in this body. The I that will continue to exist when the body has died and decayed back to earth dust. It's wort contemplating on.
We'll explore these questions further in future blog posts.
By Tom Grace