We as humans are made up of many sub-personalities, each with its unique gift. Many of these personalities are buried in early childhood before they even get an opportunity to express themselves. The personality aspects that get buried sometimes become our shadow aspect. These can be the gifts of genius we all have within us, finding a place for these individual aspects to be accepted and appreciated for their potential is important if we want to maximize our capacity. If each aspect of our personality is nourished, honoured, and encouraged to express themselves freely with their uniqueness and beauty. Their gifts will support our entire well-being. Each aspect is like a piece of a jigsaw puzzle, on its own may appear to be meaningless but when it finds its spot and fits into that place to make the jigsaw whole the individual part becomes whole at the same time. That's the magic of working with these aspects, they help us to become whole content fulfilled and nourished in every way. At this point, our shadow aspect has become our Saviour. By Tom Grace |